Letters to the Zone (Penultimate Batch)

It's a Big Web, but I Wouldn't Want to Grade It

Hi! I just wanted to let you know about my new web page for e-zine reviews...
This page is intended to complement John Labovitz's directory of e-zines...

It has been created as an attempt to provide up-to-date reviews for the plethora of e-zines available online.

The entire page is new, so reviews are desperately needed!

I started this review page in the spring of 1995. I've enjoyed John Labovitz's list for several months. Although the best way to learn about these zines is to read them for yourself, these reviews are intended to provide more information for people who haven't made up their minds whether to take the plunge....

The goal of this review page is to help people who are browsing the web determine whether a particular zine is of interest to them. If you would like to share your opinion about a zine listed at John Labovitz's site, please e-mail the review to me at faint@calypso-2.oit.unc.edu. (It's probably best if you don't review your own zine.) If you disagree with the review for another zine, don't be shy about offering your own review. Submission guidelines are at the web page. I intend to allow up to three reviews per zine (older reviews may be deleted if more than 3 reviews are offered for any one zine)....

Blaise Faint
Web Page: http://sunsite.unc.edu/faint/index.html
May 25, 1995

Sounds like a worthy endeavor. And it's nice to know that if we get a bad review there we just need three new ones to "expire" it--heh heh heh.


Awww Shucks

I think Enterzone is the best 'zine on the web: the stories are consistently good, unlike every other 'zine I've checked out (intertext, quanta, blue penny quarterly). Keep up the good work. (And get more stories from Levi Asher. He's the best.)

Jamie Fristrom
May 24, 1995

We appreciate the encouragement, and invite readers to check out those other zines and decide for themselves. You'll be pleased to find Levi's History of the California Burrito in Enterzone episode 3.


Creative, Innovative? Go on...

I've done a lot of work in hypermedia for political campaigns, and I thought that the explosion of Web sites might provide some needed inspiration. Unfortunately, after a lot of surfing, I can't report many interesting discoveries.

Enterzone is the first "zine" I've encountered that actually attempts to utilize hypertext in a truly creative, innovative manner. Your cover story Girl Birth Water Death was stellar.

I'm anxiously awaiting your third episode. Ideally, Enterzone will inspire other folks on the WWW to think about using hypertext in a more interesting manner.

I was also happy to see your comments about the rather insipid state of so many hypertext documents: "The problem with most attempts at creative uses of hypertext and hypermedia is that the emphasis is usually on the hyper- part of hyperstory, not the -story."

I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly. Fortunately, you take your own advice. Enterzone is nifty storytelling in a new, if somewhat inchoate, format.

Thank you!!!

Michael Agosta
May 12, 1995

Problems with Mac Sound Files

When I tried to download the Mac sound files, they wouldn't play. Sound Machine gave me the message 'little or no sound found. Removing this file from the queue.'

K.A. Long
Web page: http://american.recordings.com/wwwofmusic/musiclinks.html
March 23, 1995

I'm glad you asked. There was a problem with our Mac sound files. We never figured out what it was, but we converted them to AIFF format and it all seems hunky-dory now.


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