Submit to the Zone

Would you like to see your work beamed onto computer screens around the globe? We're always on the lookout for solid true writing, startling images, goofy cartoons, and mixed-media works beyond description.

Do you have ideas about how to exploit the Web, visions that can't be contained on paper?

What Does the Zone Want?

What does the Zone want? Stories, graphics, articles, mixed-media works. Proofreading, design insight, a devil's advocate, ombudspeople of every persuasion. You name it. The Zone wants you. We want to pull you out of your desk chair and right into the screen.

We get lots of stories and poems. Hey, we like stories and poems, but we're also looking for other kinds of writing, such as creative nonfiction, first-personals, interviews, essays, criticism, and so on.

We'd like to expand the range of artworks included in Enterzone, and we're always interested in sound and video experiments (bandwidth limitations notwithstanding). We're all ears.

What Does the Zone Need?

If you've got ideas about how Enterzone should be laid out, suggestions that would improve the architecture, HTML or HTTP experience, or hypermedia-authoring insight, we'd love to hear your thoughts. We're "learning" ourselves out here on these cold wires and it's all voluntary. Help is much appreciated.

If you're interested in learning HTML coding or want some experience working on an on-line publications, we've got lots of jobs that need doing.

Submit a Query

If you want to contribute an article of any sort to Enterzone, send us a query. (Double-check the return e-mail address your browser supplies for mail you send. If it's incorrect, we can't reply to you.)

You will receive submission guidelines in return. Please be patient.

Enter the Zone

To join the ongoing conversations in the Zone by writing a response to a specific article, send us a letter.

That Address Again...

If you are unable to send mail directly with your Web browser, send your query to or your letter to

Letters to the Zone
Unclassified Web Pages
Subscribe to Enterzone