Letters to the Zone (Antepenultimate Batch)

Global Directory of Public Telephones

:-) cybercafe @ phone

in a time of private prosperity and public poverty public telephones offer the potential for a wealthy public space

we aim to have the details of at least one public telephone in each country in the world (currently 233 countries)

register cool public telephones in or query the global directory either by

     post: 116 shaftesbury ave, london w1v 7dj, uk
telephone: 44 171 437 8584
    email: heath@cybercafe.org
      www: http://www.cybercafe.org/cybercafe/pubtel/pubtel.html

following information is required / provided

                 dial number: 
    description of telephone:
    dial type (tone / pulse):  
calls (incoming & outgoing 
     / incoming / outgoing) : 
          known bugs / hacks:
description surrounding area:
 postal address of telephone:
     first language of area :
    second language of area :
                 longtitude :          
                   latitude :
      time difference +/-GMT: 
              other comments:

send some nice telephone graphics (keep them small <50k)

cybercafe aims to promote/create spaces/situations in which people can create/behave/express/experience in ways unavailable in currently existing places

Domains of activity radio/tv/telephones/fax/ mailart/flyposting/performance/computer.

heath bunting
Web page: cybercafe
March 22, 1995

Loves 'zine, Wants In

I love your 'zine. I saw the poetry and the literary arts in there is pretty rad.

But, now I want in. Is it possible my work can get in there, or do you have to be on staff (or whatever)? That would suck really bad, so, if it's posible -- Tell me so!!! I would love you forever -- promise. That's all. By the way, I love your 'zine.

May you dream sweetly 'til the dawn comes,
Capricorn Dunnell
March 17, 1995

Thanks for all the love. Enterzone is definitely not a private playground. To submit, send mail to xian@ezone.org.


OK, You're a Philistine

The second issue was great... I thought the highlights of it were the stories Cards of Death, 7 Pinoak Lane, and All My Bad Luck. The first was an excellent little off-the-wall vignette, sort of like the author's earlier Landlady piece. She has some real talent. 7 Pinoak Lane was excellent in its universality and had some good pictures too.

All My Bad Luck conveniently places modern life in an incoherent, insanely screwed-up random vortex of clumsy thinking and made me laugh with its flat-out absurdity. The Wai-yai-ting wasn't as good as the earlier Buddha piece, possibly because it wasn't as universal. Then again, I've never hung around waiting for a job, so maybe it is universal after all.

Minor criticism: The text is definitely better than the art. Why is Steve Seebol always mutilating fruit? Call me a Philistine, but I think the fruit images are a bit repetitious and after seeing one, the rest of them aren't really worth the download time.

Matt Graham
Web page: http://www.misty.com/
March 17, 1995

Any Shelley Experts Out There?

This is my first day on the net. Thank You for a nice surprise. Is there an expert on P.B. Shelley around? I'm writing about the concept of romanticism as it relates (or doesn't) to Shelley's poetics. Perhaps somebody knows about a conference on romanticism?

Martin Skau
March 10, 1995

What if We Give it Away?

Hi. I'm writing from the internet love fest. I've added your "enterzone" to the trade-A-link page.

You have quite a mag going here. Class A for winter/95!

I entered my link in the classifieds, so you can complete the trade. I suppose it should go in the weird list.

What I really want to do is find ways to meaningfully collaborate over the wide area network. Our visions are very similar, you're just a lot farther along the path.

Thanks for the trade. If we all give it away, we will all be rich beyond our wildest dreams!

gregor markowitz
Web page: http://www.nis.net/egg/
March 6, 1995

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