Much Ado about Zero:
A Little Known S.F. Bay Area Institution
Gigging regularly around the San Francisco Bay Area since 1984
with periodic national tours, Zero, a six-piece jazz-rock-blues-funk-latin-etc. improv
band has evolved into a closely guarded secret, a thus-far underbooked transportation
service. With this feature, we'd like to bring the hard-working people
in this band an additional modicum of the attention they deserve.
- A Celebration of the Nothing,
a review of Zero
by N.G. Meriwether
- Robert Hunter lyrics as sung by Zero
- You
Can't Keep a Good Band Down,
an interview with Robert Hunter and Greg Anton
by Christian Crumlish
- Notes on Nothing:
A Journal of Zero Consciousness
by Griffin Nicholson
- The Sayings of
Chairman Martín, a Primer
Now Chut Up!