[photo of David Pelovitz]

About the Author

David Pelovitz

Contributing Writer

David Pelovitz received his Ph.D. from New York University in May 1996. His dissertation examined the importance of analog and digital imagery in Thomas Pynchon's work. He has taught English classes at New York University and American University. Currently residing in Washington, D.C. with his fiancée (or wife if you are reading this after June 29, 1997), Sharon Stoneback, David spends most of his time exploring the Internet, analyzing literature, trying to keep up with the music scene, making tie-dye, expressing chagrin about the New York Giants' last few seasons, and looking for a full-time position as an Assistant Professor of English.

Preferred internet address - pelovitd@gusun.georgetown.edu

episode 12

Culture, Clutter, & Cold War Too

episode 11

Linear Pynchon

episode 4

When Ideas Are Outlawed...

episode 1

Epochal Entropy: Constructive Chaos for the New Millenium

Master List of Contributors (all episodes)